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God | Truth Rightly Divided
Are We Gods?

Are We Gods?

“He is God, big G, you are gods, little g.” Do you really believe the Word of God is calling us gods? Wow! You may be shocked when you finish reading this post!

Shepherds, Pastors, and Wolves

Shepherds, Pastors, and Wolves

What is a shepherd? What’s the role of the shepherd? Are Pastors Shepherds? Can we tell the difference between a shepherd and a hireling? What about wolves?

Is God Your Daddy?

Is God Your Daddy?

Who’s your daddy? We’ve heard this phrase spoken in jest. Now even God is referenced as ‘Daddy’. So the question is, Is God your Daddy?

Is God Doing A New Thing?

Is God Doing A New Thing?

“God is doing a new thing in the earth!” Have you ever heard that phrase? It sounds promising and pregnant with hope. New things are always exciting. But is God really doing a new thing today?

The Knowledge of God

The Knowledge of God

We also refer to Him as being Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient. Yet if we are honest, we often behave as though we do not believe this is true.

Give Us A King!

Give Us A King!

When they arrived at mount Sinai, they saw the presence of God and heard His voice. Instead of rejoicing in the God of their salvation, they were afraid of Him and wanted Moses to speak to them instead. This was the beginning of the end of God’s desired theocracy.